KRG FOX-42 Precision Rifle | MAGPUL MASSOUD

KRG FOX-42 Precision Rifle | MAGPUL MASSOUD


 KRG FOX-42 Precision Rifle Formerly Known as the Magpul Massoud

The designer of the prototype 7.62x51mm rifle companion to the 5.56mm Masada – called “Massoud” – has kept his idea for a semi-automatic 7.62mm rifle alive in Kinetic Research Group’s prototype FOX-42 precision rifle. The Massoud was not simply an enlarged Magpul Masada, despite its outward similarities. It differed in using a four-lug bolt and a hybrid direct impingement/tappet method of operation. The new KRG FOX-42, in turn, is not simply a re-branded Massoud; the tappet gas system has been dropped in favor of a fixed piston fed from a direct impingement style tube, akin to the gas system on the Tavor.

KRG’s product designers have worked long and hard to hone their skills. Years ago, their initial design was a stable, spigot mounted bipod for bolt action rifles. This was followed by a rotating M4 scope mount that allowed use of either a precision optic or a red dot style optic depending on the situation. These products never saw the light of mass production but served an important purpose for the company.

KRG FOX-42 Precision Rifle | MAGPUL MASSOUD

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