by Combat Rifle | May 28, 2015 | Remington 700 Rifles |

Sat through a second video today, this time it was “AGI BUILDING THE ULTIMATE TACTICAL OR VARMINT RIFLE“. This looked like a pretty old transfer but the quality wasn’t bad. For the most part I found the video very interesting. The author Darell Holland takes you through the process of building a custom rifle based on a V block bedded Remington 700 action and a McMillan stock. For the most part he does a good job taking you through the process in detail with much explanation as to “Why”. I really enjoyed the simplicity of his shop. A milling machine, small lathe and a bead blaster was all he used. No special jigs and fixtures. This video is great for anyone who would like to know how to do the process from start to finish. I think this is one of the better AGI video’s. If you have access to these metalworking machines an indicator, chamber reamer and a few basic tools this video will instill the confidence to build a rifle.
AGI – #3124 Building the Ultimate Tactical or Varmint Rifle – In this course, Master Rifle Builder, Darrell Holland, will take you through the complete process of selecting the components for, and the step-by-step fitting and assembly of, a rifle capable of putting all the bullets through the same hole. Mr. Holland reveals for the very first time the secrets of his exclusive V block bedding system that provides this incredible accuracy. Covers all the considerations required for building either a varmint or tactical rifle. 2 hours.
by Combat Rifle | May 26, 2015 | Remington 700 Triggers |

Timney Calvin Elite Remington Model 700 Trigger
The first step to an accurate firearm is a good trigger. Many Bolt Action Rifle shooters often feel that their factory trigger is “Good Enough” and they move onto attempting to improve accuracy by replacing stocks, pillar bedding the stock, lapping their bores and or replacing barrels etc. Time and money not well spent.
Replacing the trigger is the single biggest improvement you can make to any factory firearm including the Remington 700. I learned this lesson early on. I purchased a Remington 700 Varmint Rifle in 22-250. The gun was plenty accurate if it was a deer gun but the 22-250 is varmint caliber intended for small targets at long ranges. It needed to shoot better. One day at the office an old timer Dave “Mac” McDonnel says to me you need to put a Jewell Trigger in that thing, then you’ll see how well it can shoot. I went home that night in began searching my trusty old Brownells catalog for the Jewell Trigger for my Remington 700. There it was and so was my sticker shock. The trigger cost one third of the price I paid for the rifle. I decided what the heck and ordered it anyhow.
A week or two later my Jewell Remington 700 Trigger arrived. I spent an evening installing and adjusting the trigger. Wasn’t difficult, just an unfamiliar process. A few weeks later I headed to Vermont to visit my best friend. He had a tract of land that stretched as far as the eye can see so we could shoot without any distance limitations. We sighted in at 100 yards.
The results were astounding. I could make one hole 5 shop groups with consistency. It was not even a challenge. We then set our sights on his garden slightly to the right of a target. We found we could should the cherry tomatoes off the plants with success in the high 90 percent. After that we moved to the tract of land. We were shooting oil cans and such at 100’s of yards reliably. I was quite pleased. That was the mid 1990’s. From that point on just about every firearm I have purchased has ended up with a replacement trigger and or a trip to a professional gunsmith.
Remington 700 Trigger Manufacturers
Below is a list of companies who produce or offer Remington 700 Triggers. Some companies even in 2015 do not have websites.